

E-payments search

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E-payment search panel

Date from/Date to

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Search for e-payments by the period when they were made. Click Calendar 03+JmKnCXVP4hCVkE+CbrPAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC to select the date and time or type it in the “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm” format (2019-03-19 00:00)

To clear the selected date, click Cancel .

By default, PortaBilling filters payments made during the recent 24 hours up to the present moment.

Show transactions for

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Filter e-payments related to a specific entity type:

  • Any — e-payments made by all types of users.
  • Direct customers — only the e-payments related to your direct customers. With this option selected, the Customer field appears, so you can choose a specific customer.
  • Resellers — E-payments related to resellers. With this option selected, the Reseller field appears, so you can choose a specific reseller.
  • Distributors — E-payments related to distributors. With this option selected, the Distributor field appears, so you can choose a specific distributor.

Test mode

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This filter allows you to sort the e-payments made in the test mode from the ones made by real users.

  • Any — shows all the payments.
  • Yes — shows the payments made in test mode.
  • No — shows the payments made by real users.

Payment system

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Filter the e-payments by the payment system. You can select a specific payment system from the drop-down list

Payment status

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Search for e-payments by their status:

  • Any — all the payments disregarding their status.
  • COMPLETED — successfully processed payments.
  • AUTHORIZED — the transaction that a user made to reserve the funds is given the AUTHORIZED status. Using the “Authorize” command when making a payment, a user can reserve a part of the funds on their account. Afterward, they will be able to use those funds only if they know the authorization code.
  • STARTED — not all payments are performed in one step, some need confirmation from the bank or user. When PortaBilling sends a request to the bank and waits for its processing, the payment is given the STARTED status.
  • CANCELED — payments canceled by users before they were processed.
  • FAILED — payments that PortaBilling failed to process.
  • VOIDED — when a user cancels the “authorization” transaction by performing a “Void” command, the reserved funds become available without entering a special code. Such a transaction is given the VOIDED status.

Payment method/External transaction ID

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Filter e-payments by payment method or external transaction ID. Each payment method has a number assigned to it and you can filter e-payments by typing the method’s number into this field. An external transaction ID is a special code that is automatically assigned to the transfer by the payment processor.

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