

This panel allows you to add a specific subscription to the commission schema, configure recurring commission for the periods (the number of months when a customer uses a subscription), and/or specify a one-time commission for a subscription.

Note that this panel is available only when the Different commissions depending on the type of charges option is enabled for the Commission schema.

Commission schema -Subscriptions

When no subscription is added to the commission schema, the specified representative’s commission is calculated for any subscription assigned to a customer brought in by the representative.

If at least one subscription is added, all the other subscriptions are displayed as a single group “Other subscriptions”.

Other subscriptions

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This indicates any customers’ subscriptions, except for the ones manually added to the commission schema. You can specify the one-time and recurring commission (per period in months) for “Other subscriptions”.

Other subscriptions

By default, the recurring commission percentage specified in the Default commission % field on the Commission schema panel is used for these subscriptions. To change the commission percentage, click Edit edit_new next to Default percentage commission. To not apply commission for “other” subscriptions (that weren’t added manually to the commission schema), set “0” in the Percentage commission, % field.

Edit period for default commission

Add subscription

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To add subscriptions to the commission schema, click Add subscription. In the dialog that opens, select the subscriptions from the list (type in a subscription name to find the necessary one). Click Add.

Select subscription

Manage commission for customers’ subscriptions

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You can specify a one-time and recurring (default and per period in months) commission for each subscription.

One-time commission

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Specify a one-time commission amount that automatically applies when a customer is assigned the subscription. Leave “0” to not apply a one-time commission.

Recurring commission

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Apply different commission percentages depending on the period (the number of months when a customer uses a subscription).

Click Add image015 to add a period to the commission schema. In the Add period dialog, fill in the following fields:

  • Period, month – specify the number of months, e.g., 6.
  • Percentage commission, % – specify the commission percentage that will be applied during this period, e.g., 5.

For example, if you add a 6-month period with a 5% commission for a specific subscription, it means that after a customer is assigned this subscription, the representative will receive a 5% commission each time the customer is charged for the subscription during six months.

Add period to subcription

Click Add image015 to add another period to the commission schema.

To edit commission percentage for the period, click Edit edit_new.

To delete the period, click Delete delete.

Subscription with defined periods

All following months percentage commission

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This indicates the commission percentage that is applied after the defined periods end. By default, it’s the percentage specified in the Default commission % field on the Commission schema panel. Click Edit edit_new to change the commission percentage.

Default percentage commission %

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This indicates the commission percentage that is applied when periods aren’t defined for the subscription. By default, it’s the percentage specified in the Default commission % field on the Commission schema panel. Click Edit edit_new to change the default commission percentage for the subscription.

How to remove a subscription from the commission schema

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To remove a subscription from the commission schema, click Remove delete next to the subscription name.

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