

Prepaid card calling

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ANI authentication

If this option is turned on, the IVR application will attempt to authenticate the customer’s phone number (ANI). If authentication is successful, the IVR does not ask for a PIN.

Use ANI and auth code

This feature enables service for enterprise customers when multiple individuals place outgoing calls using the same caller number (typically from the company’s main phone line).

The IVR application finds the customer’s phone number (ANI) and his company ID (in this account’s associated number field) and collects the user’s Authentication Code. The call is then authorized and billed to the account with an ID consisting of a company ID followed by the # sign and the authentication code, e.g., 534564#555.

Minimum auth code length

The minimum number of characters the authentication code consists of. By default: 4.

Maximum auth code length

The maximum number of characters the authentication code consists of. By default: 4.

Manual authentication

If ANI authentication is disabled or fails for some reason, users will still be able to authenticate their identities by using their PIN numbers when this option is enabled.

Maximum login attempts

The maximum number of attempts for a user to enter a card number. By default: 3.

Auto registration

If the user’s ANI is not found and PIN authentication is successful, the user will be prompted to register his ANI for future PINless dialing. If the user confirms, the ANI number he is calling from is added as an alias to his account. The next time a call is made from that phone number, it will be authenticated by the ANI and he will not be asked to enter a PIN number.

Register without confirmation

When this option is enabled, the IVR will not ask for confirmation before registering a user’s ANI for future PINless dialing. This option is available only when the Auto registration option is selected.

Check service password

Use this option to increase the security of a PIN-less dialing service or to allow end users to input their "ANI numbers" confirmed by service passwords for PIN authentication:

  • None

    • For ANI authentication – the IVR application will never prompt the user for their service password after successful authentication by ANI.

    • For PIN authentication – it will be successful only if the user’s account doesn’t have a service password specified. This is a common use case for prepaid card services.

  • Always

    • For ANI authentication – the IVR application will always prompt the user for their service password.

    • For PIN authentication – the IVR application will prompt the user for their service password as long as the password is defined.

  • Only PIN

    • For ANI authentication – the IVR application will never prompt the user for their service password. This is a common use case for ANI services.

    • For PIN authentication – the IVR application will prompt the user for their service password as long as the password is defined.

  • Only ANI

    • For ANI authentication – the IVR application will always prompt the user for their service password.

    • For PIN authentication – it will be successful only if the user’s account doesn’t have any service password defined. This is a common use case for PIN services.

For example, in case of the Always or Only ANI options, the IVR will do the following: upon collecting an ANI number, the IVR prompts the user for their password and uses it for account validation (the password provided must match the account’s service password).

If the account has an empty service password field, any user input will match it.

Minimum password length

A minimum number of characters the valid service password consists of. By default: 4.

Maximum password length

A maximum number of characters the valid service password consists of. By default: 4.


Disconnect call before, sec

The call can be disconnected before an account’s balance is actually depleted. Specify in seconds (till the calculated end of the call) when to disconnect the call.

Dynamic reauthorization

Enable this feature to perform dynamic reauthorization for calls made through this access number. Dynamic reauthorization is required in cases where an account is concurrently using multiple services and making a payment while the session is still in progress.

Please consult the Overdraft Protection section in the PortaBilling Administrator Guide for more information.

Restrict calls for accounts with low balance

  • When account balance is less than the rounding amount value defined in the product and disconnect is defined, IVR plays the "you have insufficient funds" voice prompt and disconnects the call.

  • If no outgoing calls is defined, IVR prompts for the destination number but gives a busy tone and drops the call immediately after dialing it.

Option none disables this feature.

Grouping access code prefix

You can group all the access numbers (entry points) that you provide for prepaid card calling under a single rating entry within a product (so you don’t need to create a separate rating entry for each access number).

For this, define the access code, e.g., LOCAL, in the Group access code prefix field and then add the same code value to the Access code field of the product’s rating entry. When a user dials any of the available numbers (entry points) to reach this application, e.g.,16047899001, the system adds the “LOCAL” code to the dialed number and applies the corresponding rate to the call.


Incoming session accounting

This option allows you to define how to charge the user for a call to an access number (incoming call legs).

  • No charges – this option is set by default. It means that the user is not charged for a call to this voice application until they make an outgoing call.

  • Charge for all IVR session time – this option allows you to charge users different prices for a call to this voice application and an outgoing call that is then made using this application. It means that a user is charged one price for the period that begins from launching the voice application until the call is connected to its destination (including the periods between several outgoing calls) and another price for an outgoing call. You can use separate charges for failed and successful outgoing calls. You need to set the Incoming access code prefix option empty and add access codes for successful (ACCESS_CODE.ANSWER) and failed outgoing calls (ACCESS_CODE.ANSWER.FAIL) for corresponding tariffs in the account’s product configuration (Product > Charges > Usage charges > Access code field).

  • Charge only for time spent in outgoing call(s) – the user is charged for outgoing calls and for the call to this application. The duration of the call to the voice application is calculated as the sum of the duration of the outgoing calls and is charged accordingly. If the outgoing call is not connected, the user isn’t charged for the call to this voice application.

  • Charge for all IVR session time, but do not charge if all outgoing calls fail – the user is charged for the period that begins from launching the voice application until the call is finished (see Charge for all IVR session time option). If the outgoing call isn’t connected, then the user isn’t charged for a call to this voice application.

Rate by

This specifies which number should be used for charging an incoming call leg. Available options are: CLI, CLD.

Incoming access code prefix 

This option allows you to define an access code value (e.g., IN) and therefore charge users according to one tariff for incoming calls to access numbers. To make this happen, add this value as an Access code (e.g., IN) for the product’s rating entry.

Use fixed access code for first calls

This option specifies the special access code format that must be applied for the first outgoing call with prepaid cards.

  • If this option is enabled, then the "FIRSTCALL" access code will be used.

If this option is disabled, then the "FIRST#12345" access code will be used, where 12345 is the access number dialed.

Use special access code for first calls

If this option is enabled, a special tariff will be used for the first outgoing call made by users with prepaid cards. This tariff should be associated with the appropriate access code in the product’s Services and Rating list.

This access code depends on the Use fixed access code for first calls option.

Translation rules

ANI translation rule

If ANI authentication is turned on, the voice application will attempt to authenticate the customer’s phone number (so he does not have to enter a PIN). Unfortunately, caller identification (ANI or CLI number) is usually delivered in the "local" format, without the country code, etc., e.g., "021234567." In this case, you need to translate the number into a unified format so it will match the ID of the billing account. The recommended format is a non-numeric prefix followed by an E164 number.

For example, assuming that the country code is 44, we can apply ANI Translation Rule s/^0/ani44/ to obtain "ani4421234567" as the authorization ID.

This allows you to manage numbers from different countries (so they will not overlap) and the "ANI" prefix will ensure that these accounts are not confused with the actual phone numbers provisioned for on IP phones.

PIN translation rule

When the Check service password option is enabled and the PIN translation rule is set, the IVR application modifies the collected PIN according to the PIN translation rule that allows the use of an ANI-based account (for example, ani442031234567) for PIN authentication.

This provides your end users, normally identified by caller IDs (ANI/CLI), with the option of making calls from other phone numbers without having to input hard-to-remember PIN numbers.

Minimum card length

Minimum length of a card number. By default: 11.

Maximum card length

Maximum length of a card number. By default: 11.

Prompts & notifications

Credit accounts balance announcement

You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:

  • Funds/balance – for prepaid customers (those who have a credit limit of 0 or less), announce “available funds” (calculated as credit limit minus balance) and announce the current balance for others (postpaid customers);

  • Balance – always announce balance (this is the classic mode, ideal for typical postpaid customers).

  • Note that a third Backward compatibility mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35.

In Balance announcements section, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations.

Announce credit limit

If this option is enabled, the balance announced to the end user will be followed by an announcement of the credit limit.

This allows you to separate cases where credit limits are assigned only as a precaution (and so the end user should not really know about them) from cases where they are an integral part of the service (e.g., loyal customers are rewarded with an increased credit limit the longer they stay with you).

Play pre-ring MOH

By default, the calling party hears a ringtone while waiting until the remote party answers. You may want to replace the ringtone with music on hold (MOH).

Select this checkbox to allow IVR to play a special MOH ring when the call has already been placed but the ring signal has not yet been received.

Play welcome message

If enabled, the IVR will play the welcome message to the user once he reaches an access number.

Disconnection warning

Disconnection warning interval, sec

This feature allows you to provide a warning when a call is about to be disconnected because of insufficient funds. This ensures that the customer has a sufficient amount of time to react and either finish the call or top up their balance.

Repeat every, sec

This feature allows you to provide multiple warnings before a call is disconnected because of insufficient funds. In this case, IVR repeats the warning every specified number of seconds until the end of the call.

These warnings help your customers to estimate whether there is enough time to finish their conversation or not, or if necessary, to top up their balance.

Type of disconnection warning

Choose one of the following warning types:

  • beep – plays “beeping” sound.

  • voice – announces the remaining time in seconds.


Select languages

This option allows the user to select the language(s) to be used for voice prompts.

Click Select languages to open the language selection dialog box and define languages in a specific order, and then upon reaching an access number, the end user can choose one of these languages.

Brief language announcement

Select this checkbox to play a brief announcement, "Please select your language or press 1 to proceed in the first language on the list," instead of listing all of the available languages.

Conf language list is preferred

Select this checkbox to give the language list defined on this page a higher preference than the account’s preferred language has.

Language Auto Select

Select this checkbox to allow the IVR application to proceed in the first language on the list if a caller does not choose any of the available languages.

Maximum language selection attempts

Type the maximum number of times that the IVR application replays the language menu prompt.

By default: 3. This means that if a caller doesn’t choose any of the available languages after the first time the menu is played, the IVR application replays the menu two more times.

Prompts customization

Brand prompts

IVR prompts can be customized per access number. Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use the default files. For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify "my_company" in this field.

Confirm by pound

If this option is enabled, the IVR suggests confirmation of multi-digit input by pressing the ‘#’ key.

Default prompt timeout, sec

The maximum number of seconds the system waits until a user dials a key before playing a prompt. By default: 3.

Music on hold class

Specify a pre-ring MOH class here.

Ringtone files for custom MOH should be placed under /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/moh/OPTION_VALUE/

(e.g., for the MOH class "my-ringtone" the path will be /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/moh/my-ringtone/).

Time announcement

Announce Time

When a user inputs the destination, IVR announces the maximum call duration allowed for this destination and then connects the call.

Use Announcement Tariff

It is possible to use different tariffs for the announcement of the maximum call duration allowed and the rate for this call.

The first (transparent) tariff should be associated with the "ANNOUNCE+DNIS" access code in the product’s Usage charges list. The second tariff should be associated with an actual access code. Thus, the user hears the time announced according to the first tariff, while the call is actually authorized and rated according to the second tariff.

Seconds rounding mode

This option defines the way the seconds portion of "available time" is announced to a customer:

  • none – there is no rounding, so the time is announced including seconds, e.g., "Five minutes and 49 seconds."

  • up – the time is rounded up to the nearest minute, so 5:49 will be announced as "Six minutes."

Application specific

Check associated number

When this option is enabled, the prepaid card application checks that the account has specified an associated number. If it has, the call is then redirected to that number. For example, an end user does not want to dial a callee’s number every time he makes a call. Having the option already configured, the callee’s number is then automatically dialed by the system, thereby avoiding manual dialing via phone touchpad. This field can also be used in other scenarios, e.g., together with the Use ANI and auth code feature.

Maximum dial attempts

Maximum number of dial attempts within one session. By default: 3.

Self-care menu

Self-care menu

Enables the menu with additional options such as making a call using another prepaid card or the balance top-up. User can enter this menu by pressing the # key.

Announce self-care menu

If this option is enabled, the IVR will allow the user to enter the self-care menu by pressing the # key.

Allow ANI deregistration

Selecting this option allows end users to disassociate ANI numbers from their prepaid cards through the self-care menu. When users next make a call, they are authenticated by PIN.

Account top up

Selecting this option allows end users to top up their account balances by using vouchers on the self-care menu. The feature is enabled by default.

Minimum Voucher Length

Minimum length of a voucher number. By default: 11 characters.

Maximum Voucher Length

Maximum length of a voucher number. By default: 11 characters.

Announce Balance

If enabled, the IVR will announce the current balance for the user before prompting for the phone number he wishes to reach.

Callback calling

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Authenticate by

This option defines a user name for an authentication request. Choose one of the following:

  • ani – Calling-Station-ID (caller’s number) is used for an  authentication request.

  • dnis – Called-Station-ID (access number which was dialed) is used for an authentication request. This application establishes a callback to the associated number parameter of the account equal to the access number.

  • none – do not immediately authenticate. This application prompts the user to enter a card number for authentication after calling the user back.

Auto registration

When enabled, this allows a caller to use callback with the auto registration feature.

When the customer dials an access number, the system drops the call to initiate a callback. Customer is prompted to enter a PIN number and after successful PIN validation, the system adds the caller’s number as an alias to the customer’s account.

Maximum login attempts

Maximum number of attempts for a user to enter a card number. By default: 3.


Disconnect call before, sec

You can configure the system to disconnect a call before an account’s balance is actually depleted.

Specify in seconds (till the calculated end of the call) when to disconnect the call.

Expected connect time

This option verifies that the account’s balance is sufficient for the leg B setup time.

If the Expected connect time value is more than the maximum leg A duration, leg B will not be allowed. By default: 20 seconds.

Internal account

Specifies an internal account.

Also, you can allow/deny certain destinations in this account’s tariff as the initial callback will be authorized with the ‘fake account’.

If it is not defined, the Media Server uses the application access number by default.

Restriction calls for accounts with low balance

When account balance is less than the rounding amount value defined in the product and disconnect is defined, IVR plays the "you have insufficient funds" voice prompt and disconnects the call.

If no outgoing calls is defined, IVR prompts for the destination number but gives a busy tone and drops the call immediately after dialing it.

Option none disables this feature.

Send authorization

When enabled, an authorization request will be sent along with authentication. It allows you to:

  • Check if the caller has sufficient balance to initiate a call leg (i.e. user will not be called back if the balance is insufficient).

  • Block some destinations for callback calls in the account’s tariff (mark destinations as forbidden in the appropriate tariff rates).

  • Use a Minimum sufficient time option.

Minimum sufficient time, sec

Specify the minimum amount of seconds a user needs for leg A in order to use the callback service.

This option is applicable when Send authorization is set to Yes and Minimum sufficient time > 0).

Strict authorization

When enabled, call leg A will be disconnected if caller doesn’t have sufficient funds to place call leg B.


LegA CLD prefix

Leg A (callback to a user’s number) access code prefix. Allows billing leg A with different tariff. A separate rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s list of rating entries.

Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix.

For example, if the LegA CLD Prefix is LEG_A and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_A.12125551234.

LegB CLD prefix

Leg B (user’s call to destination) access code prefix. Allows billing leg B with different tariff. A separate rating entry with the appropriate access code and tariff should exist in the product’s list of rating entries.

Access code must contain DNIS after the Prefix.

For example, if the LegB CLD Prefix is LEG_B and the Access Number is 12125551234, then the Access Code should be LEG_B.12125551234.

Special charge if LegB fails

By enabling this, you can charge users differently for calls with failed leg B (e.g., incomplete call is not charged). Just add a new rating entry to the product’s rating list, set its access code to "CALLBACK_FAIL" and associate it with a special tariff.

Translation rules

ANI translation rule

If ANI authentication is used, the voice application will attempt to authenticate the customer’s phone number (so he does not have to enter a PIN). Unfortunately, caller identification (the ANI or CLI number) is usually delivered in a specific format (e.g., "local" - without the country code and area code: "021234567"). In this case, you need to translate the number into a unified format so it matches the ID of the billing account. The recommended format is a non-numeric prefix followed by an E164 number.

For example, assuming that the country code is 44 we can apply ANI translation rule s/^0/cb44/ to obtain "cb4421234567" as the authorization ID.

This allows you to manage numbers from different countries (so they do not overlap) and the "cb" prefix ensures that these accounts are not confused with actual phone numbers provisioned for on IP phones.

Destination translation rule

When the caller identification (ANI or CLI number) is delivered in a specific format (e.g., “local”) and should be modified for a callback, this translation rule is used.

For example, when caller identification is delivered in a domestic European dialing format (0 + area code + phone number, e.g., 0 5 888 7766) and we need to call the user back using an E164 format. In this case (assuming that the country code is 44) we would apply Dial Translation Rule s/^0/44/ to obtain 44 5 888 7766 as the number to call back.

Prompts & notifications

Credit accounts balance announcement

You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:

  • Funds/balance – for prepaid customers (those who have a credit limit of 0 or less), announce “available funds” (calculated as credit limit minus balance) and announce the current balance for others (postpaid customers).

  • Balance – always announce balance (this is the classic mode, ideal for typical postpaid customers.

Note that a third Backward compatibility mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35. In Balance announcements section, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations.

Announce credit limit

If enabled, the IVR will announce the credit limit as well as the account balance

This option is applicable when Credit accounts balance announcement is set to balance or funds/balance.

Play pre-ring MOH

By default, the calling party hears a ringtone while waiting until the remote party answers. You may want to replace this ringtone with music on hold (MOH).

Select this checkbox to allow IVR to play a special ringing MOH when the call has been placed but the ring signal has not yet been received.

Play welcome message

If enabled, the IVR will play the welcome message to the user once an access number is reached.

Disconnection warning

Disconnection warning interval, sec

This feature announces the remaining time in seconds or simply plays a "beeping" sound. This "time left" warning is played when a specified number of seconds is left before the call is disconnected.

Repeat every, sec

This feature allows you to provide multiple warnings before the call is disconnected because of insufficient funds. In this case, IVR repeats the warning every specified number of seconds until the end of the call.

These warnings help your customers to estimate whether there is enough time to finish their conversation or not, or if necessary, to top up their balance.

Type of disconnection warning

Choose one of the following types of "time left" warnings:

  • beep – play "beeping" sound;

  • voice – announce the remaining time in seconds.



This option allows the user to select the language(s) to be used for voice prompts.

Click Select languages to open the language selection dialog box and define languages in a specific order, and then upon reaching an access number, the end user can choose one of these languages.

Conf language list is preferred

If this checkbox is selected, the language list defined on this page has a higher preference than the account’s preferred language.

Prompts customization

Brand prompts

IVR prompts can be customized per access number. Specify the directory where custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use default files.

For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify "my_company" in this field.

Confirm by pound

If this option is enabled, the IVR suggests confirmation of multi-digit input by pressing the ‘#’ key.

Default prompt timeout, sec

The maximum number of seconds the system waits until a user dials a key before playing a prompt. By default: 3.

Music on hold class

Specify a pre-ring MOH class here.

Ringtone files for custom MOH should be placed under


(e.g., for the MOH class "my-ringtone" the path will be /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/moh/my-ringtone/).

Time announcement

Announce time

When the user inputs the destination, IVR announces the maximum call duration allowed to this destination and then connects the call.

Use announcement tariff

It is possible to use different tariffs for the announcement of the maximum call duration allowed and for rating this call. The first (transparent) tariff should be associated with the "ANNOUNCE+DNIS" access code in the product’s rating list. The second tariff should be associated with an actual access code. Thus, the user hears the time announced according to the first tariff, while the call is actually authorized and rated according to the second tariff.

Seconds rounding mode

This option defines the way the seconds portion of "available time" is announced to a customer:

  • none – there is no rounding, so the time is announced including seconds, e.g., "Five minutes and 49 seconds."

  • up – the time is rounded up to the nearest minute, so 5:49 will be announced as "Six minutes."

Application specific

Template account

Specify the account ID here to use its configuration properties as a template for all auto registered accounts.

Maximum dial attempts

The maximum number of dial attempts within one session. By default: 3.

Minimum card length

The minimum length of a card number. By default: 11.

Maximum card length

The maximum length of a card number. By default: 11.

Minimum voucher length

The minimum length of a voucher number. By default: 11.

Maximum voucher length

The maximum length of a voucher number. By default: 11.

Wait time

Delay (in seconds) before the callback application calls the user back.

Account top-up via voucher

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Maximum login attempts

Specify the maximum number of attempts for a user to enter a card number. By default: 3.

Use account information provided by PortaSIP

If this option is enabled, an IVR application securely identifies a user if his account was originally authenticated by PortaSIP instead of attempting to authenticate the customer’s phone number (ANI).

Only enable this for access numbers dialed from SIP phones connected to PortaSwitch (calls within your VoIP network).

This option is useful in cases when normal ANI authentication by the IVR application can either be very difficult or unsafe (as the calling account may be mismatched):

  • The end user makes a call from his/her IP phone with a CLI that is either hidden or different from the authenticated account ID.

The account ID is an internal ANI number (e.g., 000999123) or even a non-E164 identifier like an email address that can’t be used as a normal CLI for outgoing calls.

Translation Rules

ANI translation rule

Caller identification (ANI or CLI number) is usually delivered in the "local" format, without the country code, etc., e.g., "021234567." In this case, you need to translate the number into a unified format so it will match the ID of the billing account. The recommended format is a non-numeric prefix followed by an E164 number.

For example, assuming that the country code is 44, we can apply ANI Translation Rule s/^0/ani44/ to obtain "ani4421234567" as the authorization ID.

This allows you to manage numbers from different countries (so they will not overlap) and the "ANI" prefix will ensure that these accounts are not confused with the actual phone numbers provisioned for on IP phones.

Prompts & notifications

Credit accounts balance announcement

You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:

  • Funds/balance – for prepaid customers (those who have a credit limit of 0 or less), announce “available funds” (calculated as credit limit minus balance) and announce the current balance for others (postpaid customers);

  • Balance – always announce balance (this is the classic mode, ideal for typical postpaid customers).

  • Note that a third Backward compatibility mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35.

In Balance announcements section, there are balance announcement examples for different IVR configurations.

Announce credit limit

If this option is enabled, the IVR will announce the credit limit as well as the account balance (applicable when Credit accounts balance announcement is set to "balance" or "funds/balance").



This option allows the user to select the language(s) to be used for voice prompts.

Click Select languages icon to open the language selection dialog box and define languages in a specific order, and then upon reaching an access number, the end user can choose one of these languages.

Prompts customization

Brand prompts

IVR prompts can be customized per access number. Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use default files. For example, put customized English prompts under /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify "my_company" in this field.

Confirm by pound

If this option is enabled, the IVR suggests confirmation of multi-digit input by pressing the ‘#’ key.

Default prompt timeout, sec

The maximum number of seconds the system waits until a user dials a key before playing a prompt. By default: 3.

Application specific

Allow to transfer the balance from debit accounts

Select this checkbox to allow a customer to top-up his main account using another pre-paid card (e.g., from a debit account) in PortaBilling instead of a top-up voucher.

Allow to transfer the balance from debit accounts

Select this checkbox to allow a customer to top-up his main account using another pre-paid card (e.g., from a debit account) in PortaBilling instead of a top-up voucher.

In order for the balance transfer between two accounts to function properly, the "donor" account must have the same currency and product as the "recipient" account and must never be used for making calls prior to the recharge (this is to prevent potential fraudulent attempts at "stealing" someone else’s balance).

Maximum voucher length

Maximum length of a voucher number. By default: 11.

Minimum sum

Specify minimum amount of funds to be transferred from a customer’s credit card.

Balance information

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Use account information provided by PortaSIP

If this option is enabled, an IVR application securely identifies a user if his account was originally authenticated by the PortaSIP server instead of attempting to authenticate the customer’s phone number (ANI).

Only enable this for access numbers dialed from SIP phones connected to PortaSwitch (calls within your VoIP network).

This option is useful in cases when normal ANI authentication by the IVR application can either be very difficult or unsafe (as the calling account may be mismatched):

  • The end user makes a call from his / her IP phone with a CLI that is either hidden or different from the authenticated account ID.

The account ID is an internal ANI number (e.g., 000999123) or even a non-E164 identifier like an email address that can’t be used as a normal CLI for outgoing calls.

Translation rules

ANI translation rule

Caller identification (ANI or CLI number) is usually delivered in the "local" format, without the country code, etc., e.g., "021234567." In this case, you need to translate the number into a unified format so it will match the ID of the billing account. The recommended format is a non-numeric prefix followed by an E164 number.

For example, assuming that the country code is 44, we can apply ANI Translation Rule s/^0/ani44/ to obtain "ani4421234567" as the authorization ID.

This allows you to manage numbers from different countries (so they will not overlap) and the "ANI" prefix will ensure that these accounts are not confused with the actual phone numbers provisioned for on IP phones.

Prompts & notifications

Credit accounts balance announcement

You can configure your IVR applications to announce the current balance for credit accounts in one of two modes:

  • Funds/balance – for prepaid customers (those who have a credit limit of 0 or less), announce “available funds” (calculated as credit limit minus balance) and announce the current balance for others (postpaid customers);

  • Balance – always announce balance (this is the classic mode, ideal for typical postpaid customers).

Note that the third mode, Backward compatibility mode is enabled by default. It preserves the announcements exactly the way they worked in releases prior to MR35.

Announce credit limit

If enabled, the balance announced to the end user will be followed by an announcement of the credit limit. This allows you to separate cases where credit limits are assigned only as a precaution (and so the end user should not really know about them) from cases where they are an integral part of the service (e.g., loyal customers are rewarded with an increased credit limit the longer they stay with you).

Use early media

If this option is enabled, the IVR will announce the account’s balance without establishing a call so the end user is not charged by their telco.


Select languages

This option allows the user to select the language(s) to be used for voice prompts.

Click Select languages to open the language selection dialog box and define languages in a specific order, and then upon reaching an access number, the end user can choose one of these languages.

Prompts customization

Brand prompts

IVR prompts can be customized per access number. Specify the directory where the custom prompt files are located. The Media Server will look for the prompts in that folder first and if found – use them. Otherwise, it will use default files.

For example, put customized English prompts under the directory /porta_var/psmsc/custom-files/prompts/brands/my_company/en and specify "my_company" in this field.

Confirm by pound

If this option is enabled, the IVR suggests confirmation of multi-digit input by pressing the ‘#’ key.

Default prompt timeout, sec

The maximum number of seconds the system waits until a user dials a key before playing a prompt. By default: 3.

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