
Your home page is organized like a dashboard so that you can easily view the most important information separated by category into different windows. In addition, these windows can be moved around, rearranged or minimized as you wish.



Panel Description


Indicates whether the phone is online or offline at the moment.

Recent Calls

This table lists the most recent calls and call details. It also gives you the ability to listen to recorded calls (if any were recorded).

Contact Information

Here you can view your contact info such as address, email, etc.

Brief Billing Information

This reflects thumbnail billing information such as your available funds (or balance), refunds and charges information.

Balance information will only be displayed for phone lines which have an individual balance control.

Member of Huntgroups Information

This shows whether your extension belongs to any of the hunt groups.

Volume Discounts

Here you can find all the necessary information concerning discounts.



Quotas and Service Wallets

Here you can find all the necessary information concerning quotas and service wallets.