Recurring Charges tab

This tab allows you to define a list of subscription plans which are mandatory for this product, so that these subscriptions will be automatically applied to every account to which this product will be assigned.



Field Description


The name of the subscription plan.


This shows the main parameters of a subscription plan. This field contains the information about the activation period, minimum duration period and charging pattern of a subscription plan.


This shows an overview of the fees defined within a subscription plan:

  • Activation Fee – A one-time fee applied when the subscription is activated

  • Periodic Fee – Fees that are applied while a subscription is active.

  • Cancellation Fee – If the subscription is cancelled before the end of the minimum subscription period, a one-time fee is applied.



This shows information about promotional periods and discounts defined within a subscription plan:

  • Promotional Periods – Indicates if any promotional periods have been defined within a subscription plan

  • Multi-Periods – Indicates whether a subscription plan contains bulk discounts.


NOTE: To define a flat rate for provided service(s) and avoid discrepancies that may arise between subscription plans with different configuration parameters – only one subscription plan per product is allowed (for both main and add-on ones).