

On the Web self-care panel you can define which credentials can access the account self-care portal and your preferred settings, such as language, time zone, date input and output formats.

Account web self-care panel


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This is the account self-care interface login.

Access web self-care as account. After you define the login and password, you can log into the self-care portal on behalf of the account. Click Link  to log in.


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This is the account self-care interface password. Define it manually or click Generate password   to generate a random, hard-to-guess password.

To show or hide the password, click Show password zBQFv1drMAAAAASUVORK5CYII= or Hide password T1AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.


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The access role assigned to this account. It contains a set of permissions to access self-care components: tabs, features, etc. Each account is created with a default role. After you create the new role on the Roles panel, select a new role for the account from the list here.

Time zone

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Set the time zone in which to display the date and time values on the account self-care interface.

Web interface language

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Choose a desired language for the account self-care interface.

Output format

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Choose an output date and time format for the account self-care interface.

Input format

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Choose an input date and time format for the account self-care interface.

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