

Variable name Description Contains personal data

Environment for direct customers and subcustomers of reseller

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env.i_env ID Environment name Y
env.companyname The conventional form for your company’s name Y
env.addr1 Company’s street address Y
env.addr2 ... Y
env.addr3 ... Y
env.addr4 ... Y
env.contact_city City where company is located Y
env.contact_email Company contact person’s email address Y
env.contact_subdivision Province/state where the company is located
env.contact_zip Postal code for company’s location Y Country name Y
env.description Short description Primary email contact Y
env.faxnum Primary fax number Y
env.laddr1 Address where company name is legally registered
env.laddr2 ...
env.lcountry Country where company is legally registered Y
env.lcity City where company is legally registered
env.lname Legally recognized form of company’s name
env.lzip Postal code for company’s registered location
env.iso_3166_2 Country subdivision code
env.iso_3166_1_a2 Country code
env.iso_4217 The internal currency Company’s primary telephone number Y
env.subdivision Country subdivision name
env.tax_id Locally designated tax number Time zone company operates in
env.web Company’s web address

Customer information

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customer.i_customer Customer’s unique numeric number
customer.i_customer_class Numeric ID for customer Class assigned to customer
customer.i_customer_type 1 (Retail), 2 (Reseller), 3 (Distributor)
customer.i_lang Localization language, 2 characters ISO639-1 code (examples: en, es)
customer.iso_4217 Customer’s currency
customer.address Full address line
customer.address_line_2 The 2nd line of the customer's address that contains the values from baddr2, baddr3, baddr4 and baddr5 fields. The values are separated by the '\n' delimiter.
customer.balance Customer’s balance at time of PDF generation
customer.billing_period Defines customer’s invoicing frequency
customer.bp_charge_cc Y or N defines if customer’s credit card is charged when invoice is generated
customer.companyname The conventional form of company’s name
customer.cont1 Primary contact
customer.cont2 Alternative contact City name Country name
customer.creation_date Date when customer was added to PortaBilling system
customer.credit_limit Customer’s current credit limit
customer.custom_fields Stores information about custom fields.
  • customer.custom_fields.my_custom_field
Value for a specific custom field name. For example, if a custom field name is “Country code,” this variable will be customer.custom_fields.${'Country Code'}
  • customer.custom_fields.custom_field1, customer.custom_fields.custom_field2, customer.custom_fields.custom_fieldN
This variable type is used for backward compatibility only.

Value for the Nth customer field. The order number of the custom fields corresponds to the position of a custom field enabled for the customer class in PortaBilling.

For example, the custom field “Country Code” goes first in the Custom fields list, so the corresponding variable will be customer.custom_field1. Note that the number after “custom_field” should be added without spaces.

customer.discount_rate Amount of discount applied to all of customer’s subscriptions by default Primary email contact
customer.faxnum Primary fax number
customer.firstname First name
customer.midinit Middle name
customer.lastname Last name
customer.lname Either company name or first name + last name
customer.login Customer self-care login Customer ID, defines customer name as it appears in the PortaBilling system
customer.notepad Text entered in Notepad field on the web
customer.opening_balance Customer’s starting balance
customer.out_date_format customer.out_date_format
customer.out_date_time_format Preferable date-time format
customer.out_time_format Preferable time format
customer.phone1 Primary telephone number
customer.phone2 Alternative telephone number
customer.salutation Something like ‘Mr.,’ ‘Ms.’
customer.state Province/state name Postal code
customer.tax_id Locally-designated tax number
customer.TZ Time zone

Invoice information

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invoice.i_env Environment ID
invoice.i_customer Reference to customer’s ID number
invoice.i_invoice ID number
invoice.invoice_number Visible invoice number
invoice.i_invoice_status Invoice status, refer to value from Invoice_Status_Attribs table
invoice.i_invoice_type Indicates the type of invoice: 1 – regular, 2 – out of turn, 3 – midterm
invoice.additional_invoices Sum of out-of-turn invoices for a period
invoice.adjustments Adjustment amount customer must pay for the period after the invoice amount was adjusted
invoice.amount_due The current amount due of the invoice
invoice.amount_net Invoice period’s total amount
invoice.amount_paid Amount customer already paid
invoice.calls Sum of charges for all other services
invoice.cust_name Name of the customer for whom the invoice was issued
invoice.do_not_pay This indicates that the invoice amount is too low to charge the customer, therefore the invoice amount is added to the next invoice.
invoice.due_date Due date of the invoice in the format defined by the customer
invoice.due_date_orig The invoice due date defined in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
invoice.closed Indicates whether the invoice is closed (sent to the customer) or not.
invoice.issue_date Date when an invoice was created, displayed in a format defined by the customer
invoice.issue_date_orig Date when an invoice was created, displayed in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
invoice.invoice_status_desc Invoice status description
invoice.is_void N for normal invoices; Y for voided ones
invoice.iso_4217 Currency
invoice.last_invoice The amount due from the previous regular invoice
invoice.last_closing_date Indicates the date the customer was closed after the invoice became overdue
invoice.last_notific_date Indicates the date the invoice was first sent to the customer
invoice.last_recollect_date Indicates the date the collection attempt was made (attempt to charge the customer's credit card on file for the amount due).
invoice.last_resend_date Indicates the date the invoice was resent to the customer
invoice.last_suspension_date Indicates the date the customer was suspended after an invoice became overdue
invoice.last_warning_date Indicates the date the notification email was sent to the customer informing about the service suspension
invoice.manual_charges Sum of manual charges from invoice period
invoice.measured_services Sum of charges for measured services
invoice.new_style Defines whether the invoice includes the previous balance or not
invoice.override_control 1 indicates that this is an invoice to charge for recurring fees separately
invoice.period_from Invoice period’s start date
invoice.period_from_orig Invoice period’s start date, displayed in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS) and the UTC time zone
invoice.period_to_orig Invoice period’s end date, displayed in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS) and the UTC time zone
invoice.period_to Invoice period’s end date
invoice.payments Sum of payments made during invoice period
invoice.previous_balance The amount due from the previous regular and out-of-turn invoices
invoice.prior_balance If invoicing for the customer was initially disabled, meaning no invoices were generated during previous billing periods, this shows the total amount owed that accumulated during those periods
invoice.prior_balance_paid The total amount paid by the customer, covering the prior_balance (the total amount owed that accumulated during the periods when invoicing was disabled for the customer)
invoice.subscriptions Sum of subscription charges generated during invoice period
invoice.subtotal Equal to amount_net. Available only if taxation plug-in used
invoice.subtotal_without_taxes Equal to (amount_net – taxes). Available only if taxation plug-in used
invoice.taxes Sum of taxes, non-zero only if taxation plugin used


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services Array indexed by i_service number

Service information, totals, xDRs for each service

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i_service Unique ID number for service
name Service name
i_service_type Unique ID number for service type
rating_base An attribute used for billing. Depends on the service type selected while creating the service. Possible values: session-time, quantity, unit, upload, download, upload+download.
  • period_totals.records
Total number of records for a specific service.

The period_totals.records is the total number of records for a specific service that are contained in all invoices for the billing period, e.g., the regular and the out-of-turn invoices. To get the total number of records contained in this invoice only, use invoice_totals.records.

  • period_totals.quantity
Total volume of a consumed service.

The period_totals.quantity is the total volume of a consumed service contained in all invoices for the billing period, e.g., the regular and the out-of-turn invoices. To get the total volume of a consumed service contained in this invoice only, use invoice_totals.quantity.

  • period_totals.amount
Total charges for a specific service.

The period_totals.amount is the total charges for a specific service contained in all invoices for the billing period, e.g., the regular and the out-of-turn invoices. To get the total of the charged amount contained in this invoice only, use invoice_totals.amount.

  • period_totals.tax_amount
Total sum of taxes for a specific service.

The period_totals.tax_amount is the total tax amount for a specific service contained in all invoices for the billing period, e.g., the regular and the out-of-turn invoices.

  • period_totals.total_amount
Total sum of charges and taxes for a specific service.

The period_totals.total_amount is the total amount of charges and taxes for a specific service contained in all invoices for the billing period, e.g., the regular and the out-of-turn invoices.

  • invoice_totals.records
Total number of records for a specific service contained in this specific invoice.
  • invoice_totals.quantity
Total volume of consumed service contained in this specific invoice.
  • invoice_totals.amount
Total charges for a specific service contained in this specific invoice.
next_row Iterator, which returns next xDRs’ row for this service, or undefined if there are no more records
next_row_simple Iterator, which returns next xDRs’ row for this service, or undefined if there are no more records. The iterator returns simplified xDR information:
  • xDRs’ time is in UTC and ISO format.
  • There is no information about auxiliary xDR fields (for example, xdr_xcld, xdr_media_duration, xdr_merge_origin.)
rating_base_unit Name of the smallest unit for measuring service usage. This is also the smallest unit you can use in rating configuration (e.g., one second)
rate_unit Name of the unit for calculating service usage charges (e.g., one minute)
taxation_codes Taxation codes defined for this service
tax_adjustments Tax amount applied when adjusting an invoice amount
get_row_taxation_info Method, which returns taxation details for xDR and uses xDR row as an argument. Note that for now, it works for Generic VAT/GST plug-in only.
  • is_subject_to_tax
Returns “Y” if the service is subject to taxation and “N” otherwise.
  • tax_rate
The current rate.

xDR row

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account_id Master account ID
account_batch Account batch name
account_i_account Account’s unique ID
account_name Account owner’s name specified in the Contact field in PortaBilling (Account > Personal info > General info > Contact)
country_iso_3166_1_a2 Country code
country_name Country corresponding to destination
country_subdivision_name Country subdivision corresponding to destination
destination_destination Destination used
destination_description Destination description
destination_group_name Destination group name
destination_i_dest Destination’s unique ID
rate_i_rate Rate ID used
rate_effective_from Date when rate becomes effective
rate_is_off_peak ‘Y’ for off-peak period rate, ‘N’ otherwise
rate_interval_1 Rates.interval_1 (Rates.op_interval_1 for off-peak)
rate_interval_n Rates.interval_n (Rates.op_interval_n for off-peak)
rate_price_1 Rates.price_1 (Rates.op_price_1 for off-peak)
rate_price_n Rates.price_n (Rates.op_price_n for off-peak)
rate_off_peak_period 0, 1, 2 for ‘normal,’ off-peak and second off-peak periods
site_name The name of customer site
tariff_i_tariff Tariff ID used
tariff_name Tariff name used
xdr_account_id Account ID in xDR, may be account alias
xdr_accumulated_correction Difference between initial and re-rated xDRs’ amounts
xdr_bill_time Date-time of session billing, displayed in customer’s format
xdr_bill_time_orig Date-time of session billing, displayed in ISO format
xdr_bit_flags Bit flags provide additional information about how the service was used by the type of xDR. The xdr_bit_flags value is a number that represents some peculiarities of the xDR (e.g., 68 – outgoing recorded call, 1 – debit overdraft). See more details on bit flag usage in the PortaBilling API guide
xdr_call_id Call-id
xdr_charged_amount Charged amount
xdr_charged_quantity Service quantity charged
xdr_cli CLI
xdr_cld CLD
xdr_connect_time Connection date-time defined in customer format
xdr_connect_time_orig Connection date-time defined in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
xdr_disconnect_time Date-time when session is disconnected, displayed in customer’s format
xdr_disconnect_time_orig Date-time when session is disconnected, displayed in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
xdr_h323_conf_id H323-conf-id
xdr_h323_incoming_conf_id Incoming H323-conf-id
xdr_history Additional information about xDR
xdr_id ID of xDR
xdr_peak_level Peak level applied
xdr_setup_time Time (in mins.) between initial provisional response and connect_time.
xdr_split_order Sequential number if xDR is part of a group of xDRs resulting from the same session
xdr_subscriber_ip Subscriber IP
xdr_table Table name: cdr_accounts or cdr_customers
xdr_used_quantity Service quantity used
xdr_acli Information about actual caller identity within PBX environment where call originated from. This identity may differ from the one delivered by the cloud PBX (e.g., the cloud PBX main account or caller’s phone if forwarded calls occurred) and displayed on the called party’s device
xdr_xcld Information about the extension ID dialed
xdr_xcli Information about the extension ID initiating the call
xdr_via_hg Information about the hunt group dispatching the call
xdr_via_ext Information about the last extension ID the call was either forwarded or transferred from
xdr_media_duration Information about an actual time during which the owner of the billed account spoke
xdr_prerated_charge Information about original charges imported to PortaBilling associated with xDR
xdr_e212_roaming_network Information about caller/callee roaming ID in E.212 format

Other variables

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image_path Path to the template images used to make a full link to the included image
xrate_list Enables the retrieval of exchange rate for the currency and calculates the price there. This variable requires the key that equals the iso_4217 code of the required currency (e.g., xrate_list.EUR)

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