

The Product groups panel displays a list of product groups that match your query.

Product groups list

Each entry in the Product groups list consists of:

  • Name – the product group name.
  • Managed by – this shows whether the product group is managed by an administrator or by a particular reseller.
  • Included products total – this displays the total number of add-ons and main products included in the product group.
  • – this icon means that you can edit the product group.
  • – this icon means that you can remove the product group.

Add product groups

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This allows you to add new product groups and assign products to them. To add a new product group, click Add and fill in the product group information:

  • Name – type a name for the product group.
  • Managed by – those a product group owner. It can be you or one of your resellers.
  • – add a new add-on/main product.

Included products total

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To see the list of products within the group click . To close the list click .

To obtain more detailed information about a particular product, click the product name link. The link redirects you to the Edit product panel.

Edit product groups

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This panel allows you to add new products and/or remove previously added products.

To apply changes to the product group click Save. To discard changes click Cancel.

You can’t edit several product groups at the same time. Thus, make sure to apply/discard changes each time you edit a particular product group.

To add a new product to the product group click Add . To delete a product from the product group click Cancel AKDwmEZstO3qwAAABt0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAQXJ0d2VhdmVyIEZyZWUgNy4wsOltfgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.

Select add-on products to add / Select main products to add

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A dialogue box appears when you click Add .

Adding products to the product list

You can perform the following actions there:

  • To find a particular product use the Search by name filter. Type the product name in this field. The search is case sensitive. Matching results will appear when you type a few letters.
    If you selected several products and want to find another particular product, those products remain selected and displayed in the search results list.
  • To add some existing add-on/main products select the products that you want from the list.
  • To see the additional information about a product, click its product name.
  • To add all the existing products to the product group, select the check box to the left of the search field.

The Additional information panel provides you with the information about the selected product:

  • Name – the product name.
  • Account role – this shows the intended application for accounts that use this product (e.g., whether the accounts represent phone lines, prepaid cards or top-up vouchers.)
  • Priority – this shows the priority level of the add-on product (from low to high). This field appears for add-on products only.
  • Description – this displays brief information about the product.

To save the selected products click Ok.

To discard the changes click Cancel.

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