Customer list

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This panel displays a list of reseller’s customers that matches your search query.

To open a customer profile, click the customer name in the list.

Reseller subcustomers list

Each entry in the result list consists of:

  • Status – this icon shows the customer status. Active customers do not have a status icon.
    • Closed – the customer has been permanently terminated and is only in the database for informational/regulatory purposes. No further operations are possible with this entity.
    • pXEYgm3hDLbHvpOu0dqd9RJvKIeFwnZwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== Blocked – the customer has been blocked by the administrator; no call services are provided until an administrator removes the block. Blocked customers have no access to self-care pages. For blocked customers, charges for service usage are not applicable; however, subscription fees and fees for assigned DID numbers will still apply.
    • MaB39AmcMgnhAXQbUAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC Suspended – services for this customer are suspended because of an overdue invoice. Once payment is received (either an online or periodical payment, or you manually enter a cash/check payment) that covers the overdue invoice, the suspension is automatically lifted.A customer can become suspended if their funds are insufficient to cover subscription charges. You regulate this option in the customer class settings.

      You cannot undo a customer’s suspension manually. However, you can delay the suspension for several days so they can attend to their needs (e.g., allow the customer to use the service over a weekend although the overdue invoice must be paid in full early Monday morning, without exception.) Set which date you lift the customer’s suspension in the Lift the suspension until field. If the customer pays their invoice or the period of delayed suspension is over, PortaBilling removes the date specified in the Lift the suspension until field from the database.

    • Provisionally terminated – a customer can become provisionally terminated after the grace period to pay overdue invoices expires. When provisionally terminated, all of a customer’s services stop although their data remains in the database to issue an invoice for the last billing period before the day of termination. You can reactivate the customer’s services if the customer changes their mind later on. The default period for reactivation is 30 days. You can change it in the customer class. If not reactivated, the customer’s status automatically changes to Closed.
    • Gk79uvh5ZAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC Credit exceeded – this status is only for postpaid customers. It means that the customer’s current balance is higher than the credit limit value. The customer can’t use paid services though free of charge services (e.g., calls to toll-free numbers) remain available.
    • Gk79uvh5ZAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC No available funds – this status is only for prepaid customers. When a customer’s funds reach a zero value, services are no longer available. When the customer makes a payment and available funds increase, all services are again available.
    • eMDFThZqiBwAAAAASUVORK5CYII= Suspension lifted – a customer receives this status after you delay their suspension manually. Services are temporarily available until the date you specified in the Lift the suspension until field.
    • hZQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== Payment frozen – a customer’s auto-payment is suspended due to repeated errors (e.g., credit card cancellation).
    • OiN88im71AcAAAAASUVORK5CYII= Spending limit reached – a customer receives this status when their daily expenses reach the defined limit. The spending limit renews at 00:00:00 each day, so once the limit renews, the Spending limit reached status is lifted from the customer.
    • Exported – this customer has been ported to another installation in dual-version PortaSwitch. A customer with this exported status is not operational here, however their data is kept for backup.
  • Name – this is the customer name, which is also a link that redirects you to the edit customer panel.
  • Balance control – the customer’s balance model: either prepaid (customer pays for services in advance) or postpaid.
  • Currency – the currency the customer is charged in.
  • Balance – the customer’s current balance. Only for postpaid customers.
  • Credit limit – the credit limit set for the customer (only for postpaid customers). When the customer’s balance reaches that credit limit, they are no longer allowed to use the services.
  • Available funds – the amount of customer’s available funds. Only for prepaid customers.
  • More – click More  to see available options.
    • xDRs – select to see the xDR history for a particular customer. The xDRs are data records that include billing information related to services rendered to your customers.
    • Accounts – select to see the list of accounts belonging to a particular customer.
    • Delete – select to remove a customer. This option is only available if a customer with no accounts.

Change status

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You can manually assign such statuses as blocked, provisionally terminated and permanently terminated. Open the customer profile and click Change status on the toolbar.

Customize the panel

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Change table settings – click Settings oc0IIr95AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC in the title bar to customize columns and change row style.

Re-order the columns – drag-and-drop the column headers right or left to place the columns in the order you want.

Re-order the rows – click Arrow (or QsIBqAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==) next to the column header to re-sort the rows. For example, the Customer list panel displays customers in alphabetic order. You can re-sort them in the reverse order.

Change the default number of results globally – use the Number of results drop-down list in the upper right corner to adjust the maximum number of rows that appear on the panel. By default, the panel displays 25 rows. Once the number is changed, it’s automatically saved, so the same number of rows is shown for PortaBilling entities, e.g., customer, account, reseller, etc.

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