

On this panel you can change the bundle promotion configuration. Note that some fields are read-only.

When you are done, click Save to save the changes.

Bundle promotion editing panel


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The name of the bundle promotion by which you can find it in the system.

Managed by

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This shows whether the bundle promotion is managed by an administrator or a particular reseller.

You aren’t allowed to change this option for saved bundle promotions.


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The currency that the bundle promotion is priced in.

You aren’t allowed to change the currency for saved bundle promotions.

Destination group set

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This shows the set of destination groups to which this bundle promotion applies.

You aren't allowed to change the destination group set for saved bundle promotions.

Promotions configuration

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The Promotions configuration section leads you to the panel where you can indicate/edit a promotional scheme. You have the following options:

  • Provide promotions based on service usage.

  • Define minimum service usage commitments.

On this page