

Customer sites configuration

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Here you can view/configure call processing for accounts that belong to this site.

By default, the customer site inherits the configuration defined for the customer. To redefine the parameters, move the Override toggle and the Enabled toggle, as necessary.

Customer sites configuration

Audit log

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On the Audit log panel you can track and browse changes made to this customer site.

Voice quality

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Monitor the quality of a customer calls to identify and fix network issues, if any. Call quality metrics are collected during calls and are presented as the call quality statuses in the xDRs.

Voice quality profile – criteria for call quality statuses are defined in call quality profiles. Select a call quality profile to assign it to the customer site. A quality status is set for every call made by accounts of this site based on the worst metric value. You can see the metrics values in the xDR details.

To create a call quality profile, go to Infrastucture > Voice calls processingCall quality profile.

Limit simultaneous calls

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Engage real-time checks on the number of concurrent calls made by accounts that belong to this site. Once the specified number of concurrent calls has already been established (calls are in a "connected" state) and the account tries to place another call, that call is rejected.

Type of calls – select which calls to consider against the limit:

  • All calls – counts both internal and external concurrent calls.

  • Off-PBX calls only – counts only external concurrent calls within the PBX environment. PBX users can call each other as much as they need. Once the specified number of external simultaneous calls is established and an end user attempts to place another call, that call is rejected.

Define what calls to consider against the limit:

  • Simultaneous calls – define the maximum number of total concurrent calls (regardless of their type, such as incoming, outgoing or forwarded) permitted for this customer's accounts.
  • Forwarded calls – define the maximum number of concurrent forwarded calls permitted for the accounts of this site. PortaBilling only limits billable calls – calls for which it produces xDRs and applies charges to an account. These are transferred calls (charged with the tariff matched by the TRANSFER access code), redirected calls (e.g., calls that arrive to an auto attendant from external networks) and calls forwarded to off-net destinations (charged with the tariff matched by the FOLLOWME access code). If a final forwarding destination is a SIP account, the limit on forwarded calls is not applied.
  • Incoming calls – define the maximum number of concurrent incoming calls permitted for accounts of this site.
  • Outgoing calls – define the maximum number of concurrent outgoing calls permitted for accounts of this site.
Bandwidth utilization

Use the options below for more efficient bandwidth usage.

Codec connectivity profile – select a codec connectivity profile that is used for bandwidth allocation calculation. Each new call's allocated bandwidth is calculated by considering a negotiated codec and its parameters to enable full use of the available bandwidth and block new calls when there is no more bandwidth available.

Max bandwidth – define bandwidth utilization limits to ensure that only an acceptable number of calls are allowed in order to avoid severe degradation of sound quality for calls in progress. When allocated bandwidth is used up, users hear a "limit reached" warning. Remember to set aside a certain amount of bandwidth (about 8 Kbps) to play warning prompts when you define the bandwidth limit. The Max bandwidth is calculated as the sum of bandwidth limits for incoming and outgoing calls.

Note that only external calls are scrutinized during bandwidth consumption calculation.

Max incoming bandwidth – define bandwidth utilization limits for incoming calls.

Max outgoing bandwidth – define bandwidth utilization limits for outgoing calls.

Dialing rules

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Dialing rules describe the way your customers dial destination numbers and are used to convert these numbers into the unified numbering format used in PortaBilling. Dialing rules help you preserve customer dialing patterns.

Dialing rule – the dialing rule defined for accounts of this site. To edit this rule click Edit . To redefine the rule, select a new one from the list of rules. To create a new dialing rule right away, select the Create a dialing rule option.

Outgoing calls

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Turn on the Apply the rule to CLI (in addition to CLD) toggle switch to enable the translation of the CLI number from the local format to E.164 in outgoing calls based on the selected dialing rule.

Incoming calls

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Turn on the Apply the rule to CLI toggle switch to enable the translation of the CLI number from E.164 to the local format in incoming calls based on the selected dialing rule.

Turn on the Apply the rule to CLD toggle switch to enable the translation of the CLD number from E.164 to the local format in incoming calls based on the selected dialing rule.

Location information

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User location information helps protect users from fraud. Select which country the accounts of this site currently reside in. PortaBilling treats this country as "safe" when it does a geo-IP verification of users. Also specify whether the accounts are allowed to make calls from abroad.

Allowed mobility – specify if the users can make calls from abroad.

  • Stationary User (Permanent Location) – such users may only make calls from a single country. They are not authorized to make calls from countries other than their default one, and outgoing calls made from other countries are screened.

  • Roaming User (Changeable Location) – such users may make calls from different countries. Their call is screened if it does not meet either of these conditions:

    • The call is made from the end user's default country.

    • The call is made from countries in the Trustful section in the geo profile specified in the end user's product.

    • The call is made from countries in the Cautious section of the geo profile, but the number of calls does not exceed the value permitted (also specified in the geo profile).

Current location – select or start typing the users' "default" country, where they permanently reside. When users make calls from this country, they are treated as safe and legitimate even if this country is on the Paranoid list of the geo/fraud profile.

When stationary users attempt to make calls from other countries, PortaBilling screens them.

For example, the geo profile assigned to an end user lists Myanmar as a high-risk country. But when an end user moves to Myanmar for a half-year business project, you assign Myanmar as the end user's current location. Thus, the end user can freely make calls from Myanmar, and you don't need to create a separate geo profile for them.

Note that if you leave the current location blank, the system automatically tries to obtain it upon first use of the account after its creation. This is done according to the following logic:

  • If a geo profile is defined in an end user's product and the end user makes a call from a non-restricted country, the system will use this country as the end user's current "default" country.

  • If a geo profile is not defined, there is no source to verify which country is considered trusted and consequently, the system treats all countries as cautious. Thus, as it can't assign the current location automatically and therefore, it screens all the user's outgoing calls.

To permit auto detection of the account's location, enable the Assign_Primary_Location option on the Configuration server web interface.

SIP contact

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The SIP contact functionality defines how your customer's PBX registers on PortaSIP and also how to process calls to it.

Deliver incoming calls to – based on the PBX features, define how to deliver calls to it:

  • Static address – if the PBX is located at a static IP address and can't perform SIP registration, PortaSIP delivers calls to this IP address.

  • Account – the PBX can register only its main phone line and/or receives a dynamic IP address. In this case, PortaSIP forwards all incoming calls to the PBX main phone line, which is provisioned as an account.

CLD number – this is the destination number that calls are routed to when delivered to the PBX IP address. If left blank, the number originally dialed is used as the destination number.

Host – the host name of the PBX. The PBX can be identified by one of the following options:

  • A valid IP address (four numbers separated by points, e.g.,

  • A valid domain name (e.g.,

  • A valid domain name with configured DNS SRV records. In this case, PortaSIP round-robins through them.

Port – specify the port for the IP address you entered in the Host field.

Transport – the transport protocol used to deliver calls to the PBX. Possible options: UDP, TCP.

Batch – the batch name to which the PBX's registration account belongs.

Account ID – the ID of the PBX's registration account.

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