

A bundle item defines either the number of service units or the amount of money for a specific service within the bundle.

add bundle item

To add a new bundle item, click Add, fill in the bundle item details, and click Save.


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Select the service to which the bundle item applies.

Destination group

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In PortaBilling, a bundle item always incorporates a destination group. A destination group may include phone prefixes (e.g., 1206) and/or special destinations (e.g., NETACCESS) used for the services provided within a bundle item.

Select a destination group from the destination group set associated with the bundle.

Measured as

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Select the service volume measurement for the bundle item:

  • Money spent – the service volume of the bundle item is defined in monetary equivalent.
  • Service used – the service volume of the bundle item is defined in the service units.

Service volume

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Specify the amount of the service units/money to be provided within the bundle item or select “Unlimited”.

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