

On this panel, you can add/edit intervals for the first/second off-peak periods.Off-peak period intervals panel

First off-peak period intervals

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Here you can add, edit, or delete intervals for the first off-peak period.

Add off-peak period interval

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To add an interval for the off-peak period, click Add and specify the details in the dialog that opens:

  1. Time – define the time for the off-peak period interval:
    • Start time – define the exact time when the interval starts.
    • End time – define the exact time when the interval ends.

    If you want the off-peak period interval to take the whole day, turn on the Select whole day toggle. Click Continue to proceed with the off-peak period configuration.

    Off-peak period interval create time

  2. Days – define the days of the week and/or of the month for the off-peak period interval:
    • Days of the week – click on the specific days of the week to add them to the off-peak time interval.
    • Days of the month – specify days of the month as comma-separated values, e.g., 1, 4, 5. To add a period, specify the values separated by dashes, e.g., 15-30.

    If you want the off-peak interval to cover the whole month (all days), turn on the Select all days toggle.

    Off-peak period interval create day

  3. Months – click the names of the months you want to add to the off-peak interval. If you want the interval to cover all months of the year, turn on the Select all months toggle.

    Off-peak period interval create months

  4. Click Finish to save the off-peak period interval.

To delete an off-peak period interval, hover over the specific interval, and click Delete . To change the off-peak period interval, hover over the specific interval, and click Edit .

Second off-peak period intervals

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You can add intervals for the second off-peak period, once at least one interval is added for the first off-peak period. To create a second off-peak period interval, click Add and perform the steps as described above.

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