Using the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) inventory, you can manage devices, such as IP phones, that you provide your customers.
Quick access
This panel has the following quick access options:
- Total number – the total number of devices in the CPE inventory. Click the number to open the list of all devices.
- Used – the number of devices with at least one port used, i.e., these are devices assigned to at least one account. Click the number to open the list of used devices.
- Free – the number of devices that have all ports free. Click the number to open the list of free (not used) devices.
Top-3 most used devices
These are the three most popular device models by the number of used devices (with at least one port used).
Click a model name to open the list of devices of this model.
CPE profiles
This section leads you to a group of panels where you can view/edit the currently available CPE profiles, search for a specific CPE profile and create new CPE profiles.
Phones/CPE list
This section leads you to a group of panels where you can view/edit the currently available devices, search for specific devices and add new devices to the CPE inventory.
Upload via web self-care
Open this section to configure the list of CPE profiles for enabling “bring your own device” (BYOD) support.