

On this panel, you can change the adaptive routing criterion details.

To save the changes, click Save.

Adaptive routing criteria


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You can edit the name of the adaptive routing criterion.

Destination group set

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This is the destination group set this adaptive routing criterion is assigned to. It is set during the creation of the criterion and cannot be changed later.

Sampling interval, minutes

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This is the interval within which the quality measurements are computed. Smaller intervals will make the system notice any change in a vendor's quality "quicker", but there is also a higher chance that a short-term problem on the vendor's side (which can be fixed in a matter of minutes) will penalize their route for a relatively long period of time.


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This is the description of the adaptive routing criterion. You can use it for searching the adaptive routing criteria.

Quality parameters

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This section enables you to specify the quality parameters to analyze the quality of calls that pass via a specific vendor connection.

Criteria for destination groups

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This section enables you to specify the quality requirements for the specific destination group.

Audit log

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This section enables you to track and browse changes made to this adaptive routing criterion.

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