

Use the Destination group search panel to find a specific destination group. Specify one or more search criteria listed below and click Apply filters. To reset the search criteria, click Default filters. To refresh the search results, click Reload data.

destination group search panel


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Filter destination groups by their name. Type the destination group name fully or partially.


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Filter destination groups by their description. Type a description fully or partially.


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Filter destination groups by the destination prefixes they contain. Type a prefix here (e.g., 420).

Create destination group

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To create a new destination group, fill in the destination group details and click Save.

create destination group panel


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Type a unique name for the destination group.


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Write a short description for this destination group.

Parent destination group

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This field is available only in the destination group sets of Сomplete type. You can create a child destination group to a parent destination group. For example, if you have already created a parent destination group (e.g., Asia) and now want to create a more specific group (e.g., China) — choose Asia in the drop-down list. The rate you create for the child destination group has priority over the parent destination group rate.

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