

Use this panel to find a specific voice application.

Specify one or more search criteria listed below and click Apply filters. To reset the search criteria, click Default filters. To refresh the search results, click Reload data.

PortaBilling loads the list of voice applications automatically, once you open the page. You can turn off data autoload if you don’t want all the voice applications to load each time you open the page. To disable data autoload, click Settings oc0IIr95AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC and clear the checkmark for the Automatically start searching upon opening the page option. When the checkmark is absent, the voice applications won’t load until you click Apply filters.

Voice application search


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To filter voice applications by their name, type the name fully or partially.

Application type

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To filter voice applications by their type, select a specific type in the dropdown list.


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To filter voice applications by their description, type the description fully or partially.

Entry point

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To find a voice application by its entry point which is a prefix, e.g., *98, or a phone number, e.g., 12065558975, that a user dials to access a specific voice application. Specify the entry point number fully or partially.

Create voice application

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On this page, you can create a voice application of a specific type and specify one or more numbers that users will dial to access this application.

To create a new voice application, fill in the application details and click Save. To create more voice applications, click Save & Add another.

Create a voice application


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Specify the voice application name.

Application type

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Select the application type from the dropdown list.


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You can add a short description for this voice application.


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Specify one or more unique numbers that end users will dial to access this voice application.

You can type in a number manually, e.g., you create an application for Own voice mailbox access and specify the “*98” number for users to dial from their IP phones.

Or you can click DID ebl9vQ9dw976apLw11vPoCutVCXwDTaBhA01VL+EAAAAASUVORK5CYII= to choose a DID number from the DID inventory, e.g., you create an application for Prepaid card calling and specify the “12125551234” number for users to call from a PSTN network. Note that you can only choose a DID number that is not assigned to any customer and has the Not in use status.

To add the next number to the list, click Add q1ZAizZfr7AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==. To remove a number, click Remove .

The list of numbers can be later updated on the Entry point panel. Also, you can add the list of numbers with the Quick numbers upload functionality.

On this page