

Use the Create a DID number panel to manually add DID numbers for testing purposes. Also, you can manually restore a DID number in case of accidental deletion from the DID inventory.

To add a new DID number, click Add on the DID numbers list panel and fill in the details. To save the destination group set, click Save. To create more destination group sets, click Save & Add a copy.

To add a large number of DID numbers to the DID inventory, we recommend that you use the DID Upload tool. This minimizes human error.

DID number add panel

DID number

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Specify a phone number here.

Vendor batch

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Specify the name of the vendor batch that this DID belongs to.


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Specify the country that this number belongs to.

Pricing batch

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Specify the pricing batch that this number belongs to.

Activation cost

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Specify a one-time cost paid to a vendor for DID number activation.

Recurring cost

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Specify a monthly amount charged by a vendor for the provisioned DID number.


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Type a short description of a particular DID number.

Released date

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This is the date that this number was released from the customer it was previously assigned to.

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