

Service policy attributes: Alcatel-Lucent

RADIUS response

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Select this checkbox to enable PortaBilling to send RADIUS authentication response to Alcatel-Lucent gateways.

You can set either default attributes that PortaBilling sends in the RADIUS authentication response or customize them. For example, a vendor may anticipate additional attributes on their side.

To set default attributes for RADIUS authentication response, click Set default.

To customize the default set of attributes, specify the following details:

  • Attribute – specify the attribute value here in the following formats:
    • attribute_name=value – this adds the attribute if it is not present in the default RADIUS authentication response. Otherwise, the attribute remains unchanged.
    • attribute_name+=value – this adds the attribute to the default RADIUS authentication response. In this case, it is permitted to have more than one attribute/value pair.
    • attribute_name:=value – this overrides the attribute in the default RADIUS authentication response.

Hover over an attribute name and then over the question mark RwC+AMaOsG8m6Hs1AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC that appears to see the attribute description.

To add more attributes, click Add q1ZAizZfr7AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.

To delete an attribute, hover over an attribute name and click Delete .

To arrange the attributes in the desired order, move the rows v5hMFlBe1XBZ6WeY6wAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== in the order you want.

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