Here you can maintain corporate information that relates to your business. This data will be included on reports such as invoices.
Company name
Your company name.
Base currency
This is the currency your company operates in. You can use different currencies for your customers and/or vendors, but Cost/Revenue Reports will be generated in this currency. Note that you can set the base currency only once for the new environment. You cannot change it later.
Time zone for global reports
Here you can define the time zone in which PortaBilling generates global reports for the environment (e.g., Cost/Revenue Report). Start typing the city or area to narrow the search.
Reconciliation period
This defines how frequently PortaBilling generates global reports (e.g., Cost/Revenue Reports). This will also set up the frequency of the Unresolved xDRs generation.
Address information
Here you can maintain corporate information that relates to your business. This data will be included on reports such as invoices.
Invoicing and taxation
The Invoicing and taxation panel allows you to define a locally-designated tax number and the invoice number sequence.
Non-working days
Here you can specify company non-working days (weekends and public holidays) to shift the date of the customers’ service limitation/suspension to a working day. For example, if a customer hasn’t paid their previous invoices the service is not limited/suspended on days marked as non-working.
Interface branding
On the Interface branding panel, you can review and set up the branding options for the PortaBilling web interface for your admins, and web interfaces of the reseller and distributor portals.
Add-On Mart
Here you can set up the connection with the Add-on Mart cloud infrastructure (AMCI) using your Add-on Mart account credentials.
Audit log
On the Audit log panel you can track and browse changes made to the company info.