

On this page, you can review your company’s details.

Company info - reseller


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Here you can see your name as a reseller, that was specified by your service provider.


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This is your current balance (the amount of money that you owe your service provider).

Also here you can see the currency that you will be charged in. Note that once set, the currency can’t be changed.

Credit limit

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This is your current credit limit. When the balance reaches that limit, your customers can no longer use the services. Only your service provider can change the credit limit.

Overdue balance

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This is the total owed amount for the invoices that are overdue.


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This section provides access to a group of panels that allow you to find specific xDRs.

Company info

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This section provides access to a group of panels that allow you to manage your contact information, configure access to the self-care web interface, check your status history, and define the payment method.


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This section provides access to a group of panels that allow you to check your subscriptions, detailed information about your balance, and invoicing/taxation parameters.


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This section provides access to the details of your bundles and measured services.

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