Here you can schedule a single time or periodic report to be executed in the future.
You have the following options:
Run the report during the nearest available periodic task slot – there is no specified time to execute the report. The report will be run as soon as the available task slot appears.
Run the report at pre-defined date and time – specify an exact date and time for the report to be executed. Configure the following parameters:
In the Date & time field, type in the date and time to run the report or click Calendar
and select the date and time from the calendar.
Enable the Repeat periodically option to execute the report periodically. Select the requisite period for the report to be executed (e.g., Monthly or Hourly) from the Period list.
Do not execute report automatically – to temporarily disable the report execution (but not delete the entry from the report schedule), enable this option. The report is given a Suspended
status. This may be convenient if you are leaving for a vacation and would like to avoid having reports pile up in your inbox during your absence.