


Configure when customers receive notifications about their discount usage. These notifications give a customers clear idea about the amount of their consumed services. This can also encourage customers to buy additional discounts.

Discount notifications panel

Notify end user when the usage in the peak period reaches, %

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Send notifications to customers when they approach the end of a provisioned discount. Specify the notification threshold as a percentage of the discount already consumed. When this threshold is reached, PortaBilling sends an email or SMS notification is sent to your customers to inform them that their consumed volume of services is approaching the discount threshold.

For example, your discount threshold is 100 minutes. You specify the notification threshold as 90%. When the customer makes 90 minutes' worth of calls, they receive a notification about reaching the end of the discount.

If you define separate discount thresholds for peak and off-peak periods, you can configure sending separate notification thresholds for reaching off-peak discount thresholds.

Peak period threshold reached

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Turn on the toggle to send customers a notification that they have reached the discount threshold and the discount no longer applies.

If you define separate discount thresholds for peak and off-peak periods, the same toggle appears for you to notify customers about reaching their off-peak discount threshold.

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