

Commission schema – Invoiced amount

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This panel is available only for the commission plans that are based on invoiced amount.

On this panel, you can specify the default commission and configure how to calculate the commission for a representative with this commission plan.

Commission schema - Invoiced amount

Different commissions depending on the type of charges

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When this option is disabled, the representatives’ commission doesn’t depend on the type of customers’ charges (subscription charges or usage charges). You can only set different commission percentages based on the period, e.g., apply a non-default percentage commission during the first three months.

Turn on the toggle to be able to set different commissions based on the type of charges: subscriptions (one-time and recurring commission per subscription) and service usage (you can set commission depending on the service type).

Default commission %

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This is the default commission that is set while creating a commission plan. For example, by default, the representative with this commission plan will receive 10% of the customers’ charges for the provided services. To change it, type a new default commission. The default percentage can also be adjusted depending on the period or subscription/service.

Commission per periods

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This section leads you to the page where you can change the default commission for specific periods. For example, the default commission is 10%, but you can set it to 8% for the first 3 months.

Additionally, you can set different commissions depending on the type of charges (subscriptions or service charges) when the Different commissions depending on the type of charges option is enabled above.

Different commissions depending on the type of charges option

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