

Reseller subscription

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You can charge your resellers a set recurring fee for every customer they sign up to a service package. For example, as a service provider, you create a service package with a call recording feature, sell this package to a reseller for a $10 monthly fee and recommend reselling it at $20. The reseller can then offer this package at the recommended price or a marked up price. They can also sell a service package at a lower price than what they pay you, e.g., to enter the market. Whatever your reseller charges their customers, you will always receive your $10 per month even if the customers do not use the service (e.g., service is suspended).

To charge resellers a set recurring fee for a service package managed by an administrator:

  1. Create a reseller subscription:

    • select Admin for Managed by option;

    • select the Can be applied more than once checkbox.

  2. Create an account subscription:

    • select Admin for Managed by option;

    • turn on the Share with resellers toggle (mandatory for subscriptions managed by administrator).

  3. Create main/add-on product:

    • turn on the Share with resellers toggle for the main/add-on product managed by the administrator;

    • Charges > General info > Subscription > select an Account subscription and Reseller subscription.

You can make the configuration the other way – where the main/add-on product, account subscription and reseller subscription are managed by a specific reseller. In this case the reseller can edit the main/add-on product and account subscription (reseller subscription remains read-only). But the other resellers have no access to this specific product.

Note that subscription charges apply to a reseller only if they assign this very product to the account.

Account subscription

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Account subscription contains your recommended recurring fee that resellers can charge their customers for each account.

Reseller subscription

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Reseller subscription contains a recurring fee that you charge the reseller for each customer account.

reseller subscription

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