

Payment method

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Payment method

Here you can add a preferred payment method for the customer and configure automatic payments.

This panel is active after you have configured an external payment system and assigned it to a customer's currency. Automatic payment configuration is available with payment systems that do not require credit card security code verification (they either store the security code or use tokens to process payments).

If the external payment system supports token-based payment processing, this panel becomes active once a customer adds a payment method via the self-care interface.

To add a payment method, click Add method and enter the payment method data (e.g., credit card and cardholder details).

To view the payment method details, click .

To delete the payment method, click .

Charge the invoice amount using this method

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This controls whether to charge a customer automatically when a billing period is closed and an invoice is generated. A customer inherits the setting you define on the customer class. Select one of the options to override the setting for this customer:

  • Yes – the customer's credit card will be charged once the invoice is generated.

  • No – the customer's credit card will not be charged automatically.

Use automatic payments

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This automatically charges a customer's credit card whenever their balance crosses a specified threshold. Turn on the toggle to enable this option.

Automatic payment amount

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Specify the amount to charge automatically.

Apply payments when the balance exceeds/drops below

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Specify the threshold amount to apply payments.

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