

On this panel, you can specify information such as PIN for inactive cards, PUK1, PUK2, and the eSIM activation code for each physical (SIM) or virtual (eSIM) card.

SIM card additional info


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This is the default PIN (Personal Identification Number) code for an inactive SIM card.


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This is a PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code used to unblock a SIM card when a user exceeds the limit of attempts to enter a correct PIN code.


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This is a PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code that can be used to enter a self-care portal such as the Mobile Account Self-Care Portal.


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Shows a short description for this SIM card. The maximum number of text characters is 255.

Activation code

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This is the code for eSIM card activation.


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Specify the authentication code added to the SIM authentication request. The number of hexadecimal characters is 4.

Authentication key

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Specify the key that is used during card authentication on the mobile network and for communication encryption between a SIM card and a mobile network. The number of hexadecimal characters is 32.

OPc key

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Specify the operator key associated with and stored on this SIM card. The number of hexadecimal characters is 32.


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Shows the home location register name. The maximum number of text characters is 255.

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