

Using this panel, you can change the geo profile details. To save the changes, click Save.

Also, you can create a new geo profile by cloning the current one.

geo profile editing panel


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Edit the geo profile name. The name should be unique.

Managed by

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This shows whether the geo profile is managed by the administrator or a specific reseller.

You can’t edit this field.


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This is a short description of the geo profile.

Call processing approach

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This section leads you to the panel where you can see the default call processing approach and specify which countries require special handling as exceptions to the default approach.

Approach actions

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This section leads you to the panel where you can see how the calls are handled with each approach. You can choose the action options for the Cautious and Paranoid approaches.

Audit log

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Open this panel to trace the changes made to this geo profile.

Clone geo profile

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You can create a new geo profile by cloning the current one with all its settings:

  • click Clone on the toolbar;
  • in the dialog window that opens, specify the profile name and choose the needed option in the Managed by field;
  • click Clone to confirm.

    cloning of geo profiles

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