


On this panel you can specify the attributes to adjust message processing and delivery. Hover over an attribute name and then over the question mark RwC+AMaOsG8m6Hs1AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC that appears to see the attribute description. Messaging service attributes for processing messages over SIP/SMPP

Address range

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Select the checkbox to specify a single External Short Message Entity (ESME) address or a range of ESME addresses served via this SMPP receiver session in UNIX regular expression format.

Billing unit size

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Select the checkbox to specify the message length to be charged as a single message.  Long messages are charged for the number of messages they consist of. For example, a message length is defined as 60 chars. A user sends a message that has 150 chars and is therefore charged for 3 messages (3*60). If this attribute is not specified, the user will be charged for a single message, regardless of its length.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Bind as

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Select the checkbox and then select the mode of connection to the server that determines the reception and the messages sending:

  • Transceiver – sends and receives messages from the SMSC over a single SMPP session.
  • Transmitter – sends short messages to the short message service center (SMSC) and receives the corresponding Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) responses from the SMSC.
  • Receiver – receives short messages from the SMSC and returns the corresponding SMPP message responses to the SMSC.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Destination address NPI

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Select the checkbox and then select  the NPI (numbering plan indicator) for destination SME from the list.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Destination address TON

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Select the checkbox and then select  the type of number for destination from the list. The following types are available:

  • Unknown
  • International
  • National
  • Network Specific
  • Subscriber Number
  • Alphanumeric
  • Abbreviated

External routing

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Select the checkbox and turn on the toggle to enable delivery of routing parameters in authorization responses.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Heartbeat interval

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Select the checkbox to specify the interval (in seconds) during which ENQUIRE_LINK requests are sent to verify the connection.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Incoming AAA

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Select the checkbox and turn on the toggle to enable authorization and billing for incoming messages.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Local lookup

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Select the checkbox and turn on the toggle to enable PortaBilling to check whether the destination number belongs to one of the accounts within the network.

If this attribute is disabled, PortaBilling matches the destination number with rates from the tariffs.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Outgoing AAA

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Select the checkbox and turn on the toggle to enable sending accounting requests to PortaBilling for outgoing messages.

If this attribute is disabled, IMGate performs authentication only and does not send the accounting request to PortaBilling.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Reconnect interval

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Select the checkbox to specify the reconnect interval for an outgoing SMPP connection in case of a connection failure.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Registered delivery

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Select the checkbox to specify the NPI (numbering plan indicator) for the SME (Short Message Entity) address where the message originated from. The possible values are:

  • 1 – always send delivery reports.
  • 2 – send delivery report in case of an error.
  • 3 – send delivery report only when message is delivered.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Reject error codes

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Select the checkbox to specify the error codes from your vendor that prevent SMS messages from being resent. Specify the error codes in a hexadecimal format (e.g., 00000058, 58, 0x58).

To delete an attribute, hover over an attribute name and click Delete .

To add more attributes, click Add q1ZAizZfr7AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Source address NPI

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Select the checkbox and then select the NPI (numbering plan indicator) for the SME (Short Message Entity) address where the message originated from. The following indicators are available:

  • Unknown
  • ISDN
  • Data
  • Telex
  • National
  • Privete
  • Internet
  • WAP Client ID

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Source address TON

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Select the checkbox and then select  the type of number for source address SME. The following types are available:

  • Unknown
  • International
  • National
  • Network Specific
  • Subscriber Number
  • Alphanumeric
  • Abbreviated

This attribute is applied to a connection.

System type

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Select the checkbox to specify the type of External Short Message Entity (ESME) system that is binding to the SMSC and requests binding it as a receiver.

This attribute is optional, since some SMSCs may not require ESMEs to provide this parameter.

This attribute is applied to a connection.

Transport protocol

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Select the checkbox and then select the type of transport protocol that will be used to deliver the message to the recipient.

The following protocols are available:

  • SIP – both for on-net and off-net message delivery.
  • SMPP – only for off-net message delivery.

By default, SIP transport protocol is specified.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

Userpart E164 translation

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Select the checkbox and turn on the toggle to enable PortaBilling to use the dialing rules for a phone number translation.

This attribute is applied to domain service policy.

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