This panel is only available if an Adaptive routing criterion is assigned to the connection in the Adaptive routing criteria field. The panel shows the connection state in regard to the quality criteria defined in the adaptive routing criterion.
To refresh the displayed data, click Refresh on the toolbar.
When the value of a parameter reaches the predetermined threshold, you receive an email alert about the latest connection threats.
The current connection state.
- Active (grey color) – generating data. The number of calls is not enough to apply filtering differentiation.
- Active (green color) – The route meets the quality requirements.
- Active (yellow color) – some threshold reached. The route is active, but some of its quality parameters are outside the warning thresholds.
- Penalized – This route is currently penalized.
When the penalty time is up, the connection is automatically unblocked. Alternatively, you can click Restore on the toolbar to manually unblock the penalized route.
- Restored – The route was manually unblocked; this status will remain unchanged till the next time interval.
Destination group
Name of the destination group.
Number of calls
Number of calls that go through this connection within the Sampling interval.
The minimum required number of calls defined for the destination group in the Minimum amount of calls field.
ASR, %
Shows if the ASR (Average Success Rate) reaches the threshold defined for the destination group in the ASR field.
Min acceptable PDD
The minimum acceptable PDD (Post Dial Delay) defined for the destination group in the Min acceptable PDD field.
Low PDD calls, %
Shows if the percentage of calls with a PDD below the specified value has reached the maximum acceptable threshold.
Max acceptable PDD
The maximum acceptable PDD (Post Dial Delay) defined for the destination group in the Max acceptable PDD field.
High PDD calls, %
Shows if the percentage of calls with a PDD above the specified value has reached the maximum acceptable threshold.
Shows the actual ALOC (Average Length of Call) value and the defined threshold. When this actual value drops below the specified threshold, it can indicate some issues on the vendor side.
Profit per minute
Shows if your profit, i.e., the difference between the actual charged amounts in the customers’ and vendors’ xDRs, has reached the threshold. When this parameter drops below the specified threshold, the "unsuccessful" vendors are moved to the very bottom of the routing list.